166 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Asuransi Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Dengan Pendekatan Model Bisnis Kanvas (Studi Kasus Di PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta)

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    Indonesia is the largest country producing palm oil. The existence of climate change in the form of El Nino has had an impact on the sustainability of oil palm plantations, with the fire of land and oil palm plantations. The purpose of this study is to design a prototype of future business models that will be used to develop palm oil insurance. The analytical method used is a business model canvas (BMC) approach equipped and SWOT. Data used in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, questionnaires and literature studies. The sampling technique is by non-probability sampling-purposive sampling with the hope that the selected sample has the knowledge, expertise and competence in the field studied in this study. Based on the results of the research, it shows that the highest strength lies in the elements of Key Partners and Channels with values of 4.1 and 3.7. Furthermore, the highest weaknesses are indicated by Key Activities and Key Resources elements with values of 3.10 and 3.00. Both have relatively low weaknesses compared to the weaknesses of other elements. The highest opportunity lies in the Customer Segment element with a value of 4.2 and Customer Relationship with a value of 3.97. Threats in all segments are classified as low with values between 3 and 3.4. High weakness in the Revenue Stream and Cost Structure elements. Company need to improve elements: customer relationship, value preposition, key activities, key partners, key resources, and channels. Keywords: BMC, insurance for palm oil plantation, strategy, business model, SWO

    Analysis of Implementation of Rice Farming Insurance: Case Study In Indonesia

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    Since 2015, the Indonesian government has been running rice farming insurance in a national scale. This insurance product provides cover for crop failures caused by flood, drought and plant pest organisms attack.  The government has appointed PT Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) Insurance, state-owned insurance known as strong in the retail segment to provide insurance cover for rice farmers. Rice farming insurance provides a maximum compensation of Rp 6 million per hectare per planting season, in case of crop failure. The total premiums to be paid Rp. 180,000 per hectare per planting season. The government bears 80% or Rp.144.000 per hectare per planting season, while farmers bear 20% or Rp. 36,000 per hectare per planting season. The government targets 1 million hectares of land to be covered by insurance rice farming, and so far has not been achieved. Up to May 2016, there were only about 23.7% of the land that has been successfully insured or a new approximately 237,036.19 hectares. Insurance marketing of rice farming is also stymied a shortage of human resources (HR), despite getting help from the Indonesian army personnel. This study aims to analyze the implementation of rice farming insurance provided by PT. Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) Insurance. The study was conducted using in-depth interviews and data from PT. Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) Insurance, Indonesia Ministry of Agricultureand Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics. There are some obstacles predominantly on marketing side such as : lack of qualified manpower, uncertain spending on resources, inadequate resource for data collection, widespread coverage, traditional loss coping mechanism, poor perception of insurance, low insurance minded. Then subsequently made the development strategy for marketing rice farming insurance in the future and as an alternative improvement for PT Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) Insurance. Keywords : rice farming insurance, crop insurance in indonesi


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    The cattle fattening industry faces challenges from external factors, especially macroeconomic conditions and industry challenges with the increasing beef substitution imports to replace fresh beef. This research aimed to analyze the dynamics of cattle fattening industry in Indonesia. Porter's Five Forces analysis was conducted to see the mapping of competitions in the cattle fattening industry. PESTEL analysis was conducted to see external factors that affected live cattle imports in Indonesia. Cointegration and Error Correction Model analysis was conducted to see important and influencing factors of live cattle imports in Indonesia as the dependent variables and exchange rates, Gross Domestic Product, beef imports, beef offal imports and buffalo meat imports as the independent variables. This research used time series data based on the 2011-2019 data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture and Bank Indonesia. The results of Porter's Five Forces analysis showed high competition in the cattle fattening industry with the threat of substitute products, which was the factor that fully needed a response with the right strategy by the cattle fattening industry. The results of PESTEL analysis showed that external factors had a high effect on the cattle fattening industry, with the most important things that needed to be considered based on conditions, influences on the industry and level of importance including the factors of the development of animal feed technology, exchange rate fluctuation and national economic growth. The results of the Cointegration and Error Correction Model analysis showed that the factors that were important and affected live cattle imports in Indonesia included exchange rates, beef imports and buffalo meat imports. Keywords: beef, buffalo meat, error correction model, exchange rate, live cattl

    Dampak Kebijakan Pemerintahan DKI Di Bidang Perunggasan Terhadap Ketersediaan Ayam Di DKI Jakarta

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    Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta yang dituangkan melalui Peraturan Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 4 Tahun 2007, tanggal 24 April 2007 tentang Pengendalian Pemeliharaan dan Peredaran Unggas diperkirakan akan memiliki dampak yang bersifat positif maupun negatif bagi pelaku bisnis ayam ras pedaging (broiler). Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk melihat dampak kebijakan Pemda DKI Jakarta terhadap ketersediaan ayam di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Dampak Perda No. 4 Tahun 2007 yang diimplementasikan pada Januari 2010 antara lain adalah menurunnya jumlah pasokan ayam dari daerah pemasok ke pusat-pusat pasar di Wilayah DKI Jakarta, dari 804,44 ribu ekor menjadi hanya sekitar 604,44 ribu ekor atau turun sebesar 200 ribu ekor per hari. Fenomena kelangkaan daging ayam dan lonjak harga di pasar-pasar wilayah DKI Jakarta tersebut baik pada periode sebelum maupun sesudah Perda DKI bersifat temporal terutama pada hari-hari besar keagamaan, terutama menjelang puasa dan Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Peraturan daerah ini telah menjadi pemicu kelangkaan dan lonjak harga yang lebih tinggi. Beberapa strategi dalam menjamin ketersediaan daging ayam di wilayah DKI Jakarta dapat dilakukan dengan menjaga keseimbangan antara pasokan dan permintaan di wilayah DKI Jakarta, meningkatkan kelancaran arus distribusi dari daerah pemasok utama ke pusat-pusat pasar di wilayah DKI-Jakarta, dan upaya stabilisasi harga daging ayam ras pedaging (broiler)

    Analisis Struktur, Perilaku, dan Kinerja Industri Tepung Terigu di Indonesia

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    Flour is one of important crop commodity for Indonesian people. However, government interventions lead the formation of monopoli structure and capital accumulation. The purpose of the research is to analyze the structure, behavior and market performance of Indonesian flour industry. Structure-Conduct-Performance model is used to analyze the industry. The result shows that the industry structure is tight oligopoly where tight competition occurs among few big players. CR4 index is 76.3 percent and Hirchman-Herfindal Index is 3731.12. Price, as conduct indicator, is regulated by Flour Industry Association (Aptindo) with regards of International price and cost of transportation. Industry performance is inefficient or constable (either one or both) based on 10.75 PCM index. Government intervention is required to prevent market control by big players


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    The success of urban markets in the city are increasingly threatened as it continues to grow with the proliferation of spending shopping centers and convenience stores. This study aims to identify, to map the factors that play a role in the business model, to identify the role and influence of stakeholders, to conduct a gap analysis, to analyze the business feasibility of the revitalization program and formulate a business model development strategy. The research method of this paper uses the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as an analysis tool, stakeholder analysis, business feasibility analysis and gap analysis. This study has identified the most interested and influential stakeholder groups. The business feasibility analysis shows that the revitalization program is very feasible because all of the ratio values are in good condition. The strategy that needs to be developed to get the right results is to do several things; 1) develop the more effective business processes. 2) developing the effectiveness of the use of market facilities and infrastructure and 3) improving financial performance and transparency in order to achieve good corporate gouvernance. Keywords: BMC, traditional market, stakeholder analysis, feasibility analysis &nbsp

    Sustainable Apparel Product Purchase Decisions on Indonesian Gen Z and Millennial Women Consumers Using Theory of Planned Behaviour

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    Sustainable and fast fashion brands compete to provide diverse choices for consumers. This study aims to identify characteristics of Indonesian Gen Z and millennial women consumers of sustainable apparel, analyze the influence of product attributes and marketing factors on their purchasing decisions, and examine the impact of individual and social factors using the theory of planned behavior. The target population is Instagram followers of the sustainable clothing official store who meet the criteria. The questionnaire was created using Google Forms and distributed through Instagram Direct Message. Seventy-seven willing respondents were obtained. Data analysis was carried out using the SEM-PLS method and descriptive analysis. Social norms, subjective norms, and individual behavior control factors significantly influence purchase intention and purchase decisions. However, sustainable clothing product attributes and marketing factors have a positive but insignificant impact on purchase intention and purchase decisions. Individual attitude factors weakly and insignificantly influence purchase intention and purchase decisions. Purchase intention, on the other hand, significantly influences purchase decisions. Five managerial implications are suggested: consumer segmentation, consumer-involved marketing strategies, collaboration with offline stores, enhancing sustainable product attributes, and improving the marketing of sustainable clothing products. Keywords: product attributes and marketing, purchase decision, SEM-PLS, sustainable apparel product, theory of planned behavio

    Competitive Position and Business Strategy of Sugar Cane Plantation Company (Case Study PTPN X Surabaya)

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    This research aims to analyze the position of PTPN X in the sugar industry map in Indonesia and to analyze the priority of business strategy that can be implemented by PTPN X. Data analysis methods used are descriptive analysis, SWOT analysis and Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of the research shows that PTPN X is in the position to expand the business through staged revitalizion and diversification. The strategy priority that can be implemented by PTPN X is improving cooperation with farmers with sugar cane-based agro-industry program, increasing the production of sugar through land expansion and revitalization, diversifying sugarcane-based products, changing the production machines. Managerial implications of the research recommend the improvement of cooperation with farmers with sugar cane-based agro-industry program.Keywords: Sugar, PTPN X, SWOT, AH


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    In the corporate governance mechanism, the board of commissioners with its characteristics has a strategic role to increase the value of the company through the process of monitoring the management of the company by the board of directors. This study aims to analyze the effect of the characteristics of the board of commissioners on company performance (ROE and Tobin's Q) in public listed SOEs on the IDX for the 2014-2018 period. By using panel data regression analysis, the results show that the number of independent commissioners and the age of the board of commissioners has a significant positive effect on firm performance (ROE and Tobin's Q), while the educational level of board members and board meetings has a positive effect on ROE but has a negative effect on Tobin's Q. Meanwhile, the number of commissioners does not have a significant effect on ROE, but has a positive effect on Tobin's Q. The findings of this study can be used as a consideration for shareholders, in this case the Ministry of SOEs for the improvement of corporate governance mechanisms, especially in the aspect of the board of commissioners. Keywords: board of commissioner, SOEs, corporate governance, firm financial performance, Ministry of SOE

    Analisis Kepuasan Nasabah Asuransi Marine Hull Di PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia Jakarta

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    Asuransi rangka kapal didisain untuk menutup seluruh resiko yang dihadapi dalam pengoperasian kapal. Beberapa tahun terakhir, pendapatan premi asuransi rangka kapal di PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia mengalami penurunan akibat banyak perusahaan pelayaran yang menutup asuransi rangka kapalnya di perusahaan asuransi lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kepuasan nasabah asuransi rangka kapal PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia dan mengidentifikasi atribut-atribut mana saja yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah perusahaan pelayaran yang menjadi nasabah asuransi PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia di DKI Jakarta sebanyak 23 perusahaan, sampel penelitian sebanyak 20 perusahaan dengan alasan data kuesioner yang valid untuk dianalisis dalam penelitian ini. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan Customer Satisfaction Index dan Importance-Performance Analysis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa indeks kepuasan nasabah asuransi PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia sebesar 67.82% yang masih termasuk dalam kategori puas. Berdasarkan hasil IPA, ada 14 atribut dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan dan perceived value yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan. Dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang perlu diperhatikan adalah dari dimensi reliability dan responsiveness. Analisis QFD sendiri dilakukan untuk mencari solusi perbaikan
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